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Glenville State College
(304) 462-4115
GLENVILLE, WVâGlenville State College Financial Aid employees are again hosting College Goal Sunday, on Sunday, February 15th from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. in the Robert F. Kidd Library. The event allows students and families to receive free, confidential support in completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). GSC's event will be one of twenty-four similar workshops held across the Mountain State.
Anyone interested in college enrollment for the 2015-2016 school year should consider attending College Goal Sunday. Graduating high school seniors, adults looking to start or return to college, and current college students should complete FAFSAs to determine the level of financial aid they may qualify for. Parents who wish to learn more or to complete the form on behalf of their student also may attend.
âCompleting the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, commonly called the FAFSA, is a critically important first step in applying for federal and state financial aid. This one document holds the key to determining eligibility for most programs,â said GSC Financial Aid Counselor Mary Jones.
To complete the FAFSA, students will need social security numbers for themselves and their parents and family income for 2014. If 2014 income information is not available, a FAFSA can be submitted using estimated information that can be corrected when the actual income information becomes available. FAFSAs must be submitted by March 1, 2015 to receive the Promise Scholarship and April 15, 2015 for the West Virginia Higher Education Grant.
Refreshments will be served and participants will be eligible for door prizes including a Samsung Galaxy Tab4 grand prize.
Additional information tables will be available to attendees including free tax help through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program. Also, GSC Admissions Office staff will be on hand to answer questions and give campus tours.
Pre-registration is encouraged but not required. Those who pre-register will receive e-mail updates regarding the event and other important financial aid deadlines and updates. In addition to the College Goal Sunday event, other free FAFSA workshops are scheduled at GSC on Thursday, February 26th and Thursday, March 23rd from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. in the GSC Robert F. Kidd Library.
To learn more or pre-register for the event, visit www.cfwv.com and click on the College Goal Sunday box or e-mail financial.aid@glenville.edu. For additional information, visit the GSC Financial Aid office on the first floor of Louis Bennett Hall or contact Mary Jones or Stephany Harper at (304) 462-4103.