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Glenville State College
Public Relations Department
(304) 462-4115
GLENVILLE, WV - West Virginia Governor Jim Justice recently announced that federal CARES Act funding will be applied toward providing free ACT On-Campus testing opportunities for high school seniors who are applying for the WV PROMISE Scholarship. Glenville State College has stepped up to offer several of those testing opportunities on its campus.
The ACT On-Campus testing dates scheduled at Glenville State College include: Saturday, April 24, Saturday, May 15, Monday, June 7, Monday, June 21, Wednesday, July 14, Wednesday, July 28, and Tuesday, August 3. All tests begin at 9:00 a.m. and social distancing measures will be in place. Exact locations of the testing on Glenville State’s campus will be announced. Visit https://bit.ly/31kA3kV to register.
National testing dates were canceled across the country throughout last year, impacting thousands of high school seniors in the Mountain State who were working to qualify for the Promise Scholarship. Through this state-sponsored effort, students will be able to take one free exam administered on a college campus in West Virginia.
These ACT On-Campus tests are an expedited alternative to the National ACT test that allows colleges to proctor and score exams on campus, rather than going through ACT. The ACT On-Campus exam is formatted the same as a National ACT exam, however, unlike the National ACT exam results, the On-Campus test results can only be used at the institution where the exam is proctored for admissions purposes and for 2021 Promise Scholarship consideration. ACT On-Campus test results cannot be used or shared with other institutions.
Once a student takes a free ACT On-Campus exam offered by the state, the tests will be scored and the results automatically provided to the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission for WV PROMISE Scholarship consideration. The Commission will notify students of their eligibility for Promise as quickly as possible. Applicants must meet all eligibility requirements to qualify. Students should visit www.wvhepc.edu/act-on-campus-exams/ to learn more about WV PROMISE eligibility and more about the free ACT On-Campus exams offered around the state.
For assistance, students and families are encouraged to call the state’s financial aid hotline at (877) 987-7664.