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GSC President Dr. Tracy Pellett (left) and Robert Woods (right) with the donated wheelchair; Woods is also holding a Presidential Challenge Coin presented to him by Dr. Pellett
GLENVILLE, WV - A new Glenville State College student veteran is getting around campus a little easier this semester thanks to a quick-thinking employee and a local fraternal group. The student received a motorized wheelchair before the start of the fall semester courtesy of the Knights of Pythias Glade Lodge No. 205 located in Cowen, West Virginia.
The need for the wheelchair was recognized by Roberts Woods, a veteran and GSC graduate, who works as an Academic Program Associate at GSC. Being a member of the Glade Springs K of P Lodge himself, Woods was hopeful his organization would be able to help.
"Our members are very giving, so in addition to donating the motorized wheelchair, they also donated money to go toward new batteries for the wheelchair," Woods said. The Glenville State College Foundation was then able to match the amount provide by the members of Lodge No. 205 to purchase the new batteries. Adding more to an already positive story, the manufacturer supplied the batteries at cost with free shipping after Woods informed them that it would be utilized by a disabled student veteran.
"This really shows how passionate our employees are when it comes to the well-being of the students here at Glenville State. I am grateful to Mr. Woods for using his personal network to help a student veteran and to the folks at Glade Lodge No. 205 for making this donation," said Glenville State College President Dr. Tracy Pellett.