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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 19, 2014
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Public Relations Department
Glenville State College
(304) 462-4115
GLENVILLE, WV-Fourteen students have completed their student teaching internships for Glenville State College.
Andrew Lee Bourgeois completed his student teaching in Social Studies (5-Adult) at Spencer Middle School and Wirt County High School with Deana Kendall, Joe Cottrill, and Elizabeth Gilchrest. Dr. Shara Curry was his GSC supervisor. He is the son of David and Sandra Bourgeois of Ripley, West Virginia. Bourgeois also graduated as a member of the Kappa Delta Pi honor society.
Ashley Marie Dyer completed her student teaching in Elementary Education (K-6) and Social Studies (5-9) at Cherry River Elementary and Richwood Middle School with Aundreasha Bayless and Steve Deitz. Her GSC supervisor was Francis Fry. She is the daughter of Bill and Sharon Glasscock of Richwood, West Virginia and Mike and Leah Dyer of Craigsville, West Virginia. Dyer also was named Outstanding Student Teacher by the education honor society Kappa Delta Pi.
Breken Shay Gray completed his student teaching in Biological Science (9-Adult) and General Science (5-Adult) at Clay County Middle School and Clay County High School with Melody Hubbard and Cristie Fitzwater. His GSC supervisors were Dr. Joe Evans and Frances Fry. He is the son of Rusty and Janette Gray of Clay, West Virginia.
Shana Marie Gribble completed her student teaching in Elementary Education (K-6) and General Math-Algebra I (5-9) at Smithville Elementary School and Ritchie County Middle School with Carrie Cronin and Jackie McBrayer. Dr. Shara Curry and Joseph Wood were Gribbleâs GSC supervisors. She is the daughter of Rodger and Carol Gribble of Harrisville, West Virginia and Charlotte Jones of Ellenboro, West Virginia. She and her husband Roger have three children Riley, Alexis, and Reagan.
Brittany Nicole Hardy completed her student teaching in Early Education (K-6) and Early Education (PreK-K) at Glenville Elementary School with Amber Frashure and Julie Perrin. Her GSC supervisor was Dr. Shelly Ratliff.
Brandon Shawn Hines completed his student teaching in Elementary Education (K-6) and Early Education (PreK-K) at Glade Creek Elementary and Gauley River Elementary with Lori Symes and Sonja Craft. His college supervisor was Francis Fry. He is the son of Nelson and Carol Hines of Richwood, West Virginia.
Brittany Danielle Lott completed her student teaching in Music (PreK-Adult) at Mineral Wells Elementary and Parkersburg South High School with Beth Buskirk and Eric Staats. Her GSC supervisors were Dr. Shara Curry and Dr. David Lewis. She is the daughter of Robert and Glenna Lott of Cabins, West Virginia.
Kathryn Michelle McCallister completed her student teaching at Burnsville Elementary with Debbie Carroll and Melinda Wilson. Her GSC supervisor was Francis Fry. She previously graduated from West Virginia University in 2000 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Child Development. She is the daughter of Johnny Barnette of Sutton, West Virginia and Mary Ann James of Grafton, West Virginia. Kathryn has three children Andrew, Owen, and Bailey McCallister.
Brittany Leigh McGuire completed her student teaching in Music (PreK-Adult) at Buckhannon Upshur High School and Peterson Central Elementary with Jeremiah Smallridge and Andrea Heath. Her GSC supervisors were Dr. John Taylor, Dr. David Lewis, and Connie OâDell. She is the daughter of Robin and James McGuire of Beckley, West Virginia.
Jacob Allen Masters completed his student teaching in Music (PreK-Adult) at Nicholas County High School, Alum Bridge Elementary, Roanoke Elementary, and Jane Lew Elementary with Jason Hypes and Whitney Ballard. His GSC supervisors were Francis Fry, Dr. David Lewis, and Dr. John Taylor. He is the son of Beth Barker and Bret Masters of Prichard, West Virginia. Masters also graduated as a member of the Kappa Delta Pi honor society.
Ronald Joseph Mullins completed his student teaching in Social Studies (5-Adult) at Spencer Middle School and Wirt County High School with Joseph Cottrell, Deana Kendall, and Isaac Goff. Dr. Shara Curry was his GSC supervisor. He is the son of Joe and Becky Mullins of Ripley, West Virginia.
Chelsey (Ball) Robinson completed her student teaching in Elementary Education (K-6), General Math-Algebra I (5-9), and Science (5-9) at Wirt County Primary and Middle School with Erin Traywick, Brandy Harris, and Sue Roberts. Dr. Shara Curry, Joseph Wood, and Dr. Joe Evans were Robinsonâs GSC supervisors. She is the daughter of Randy and Brenda Ball of Grantsville, West Virginia. She is married to Matt Robinson of Elizabeth, West Virginia.
Scott Adam Ullom completed his student teaching in Health and Physical Education (PreK-Adult) at Mineral Wells Elementary and Parkersburg High School with Joe Kinger, Jay Cronin, and Donald Reeves. Dr. Shara Curry and Janet Bailey were his GSC supervisors. He is the son of Jon and Nancy Ullom of Evans, West Virginia. Ullom also graduated as a member of the Kappa Delta Pi honor society.
Kaitlyn Louise Yerby completed her student teaching in Elementary Education (K-6), Multi-Categorical (K-6), and English (5-9) at Mineral Wells Elementary and Edison Middle School with Nancy Inman, Roger Bush, and Gretchen Enges. Her GSC supervisors were Tara Cosco and Dr. Melody Wise. She is the daughter of Randy and Anita Yerby of Parkersburg, West Virginia. Yerby also graduated as a member of the Kappa Delta Pi honor society.
Senior teacher education students take part in an internship during their final semester at GSC. At the conclusion of their internship, students must complete a presentation illustrating their mastery of the Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) standards as well as the standards of their particular area of study.
These students were eligible to participate in the 2014 GSC December Commencement Ceremony on Saturday, December 13th. For more information about the Teacher Education Program at Glenville State College, call (304) 462-4119.