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Glenville State College
Public Relations Department
(304) 462-4115
GLENVILLE, WV - Glenville State College has partnered with Energy Systems Group (ESG) to implement comprehensive energy efficiency and building improvements that have reduced energy costs, modernized building systems and technologies, and enhanced the overall campus environment. These improvements are anticipated to result in annual savings over $176,200 during the 15-year term of the contract with ESG.
A wide range of energy conservation and infrastructure improvement measures were implemented in 13 campus buildings. Some of those improvements included: indoor and outdoor lighting, upgraded controls, HVAC improvements and replacements, window replacements, fire suppression system installation, pool operations upgrades, implementation of a campus energy policy, and computer-based power management.
"This collaboration has allowed us to do a variety of different things. Not only were we able to recognize the economic savings by making the improvements, but it gave us an opportunity to be one of the first central West Virginia higher education institutions to partner in this way," said Glenville State College President Dr. Peter Barr.
Physical Plant Director Tom Ratliff oversaw the project, which has been called the largest campus wide initiative undertaken to improve all campus facilities. "Now we're able to monitor and adjust power usage in real-time and we can make those energy savings every day. The facilities are not only more comfortable to be in but the aesthetics of the Physical Education Building and the Heflin Administration Building show a dramatic change with just their window replacements. This project has been a multifaceted approach on how to make our campus better," said Ratliff.
By implementing these key energy conservation measures, Glenville State College will save $2.6 million in total energy costs, 1,425,000 kilowatt-hours in electric energy, and 130,000 therms in natural gas over the term of the contract with ESG. Glenville State College will reduce its carbon footprint by 1,676 metric tons of carbon dioxide. That footprint reduction equates to generating enough electricity to power 153 homes, removing emissions from 353 passenger vehicles, or planting 1,374 acres of forest.
"One of the huge benefits of this undertaking was the way that the awareness spread across campus. Students, faculty, and staff have seen that we are taking proactive steps to be sustainable and they have echoed that all around the campus. We have seen an interest in conservation and recycling that may not have been there before," added Barr.
The partnership with ESG to become more energy efficient joins sustainability plans GSC already had implemented. Some of those initiatives included installing occupancy sensing lighting controls, trayless dining in the college cafeteria, the use of fuel saving mini pickups by the maintenance department, and a campus-wide recycling drive for plastic bottles and aluminum cans.
For more information about the project with ESG, contact Ratliff at (304) 462-4112.