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Glenville, WV – Glenville State College alumna Toni Doman is living out her dream at the Birthplace of Country Music in Bristol, Tennessee/Virginia.
Doman graduated from GSC in 2016 with a bachelor’s degree in traditional bluegrass music and an associate’s degree in business. She works within the three branches at the Birthplace of Country Music including The Birthplace of Country Music Museum, Bristol Rhythm and Roots Reunion Music Festival, and Radio Bristol. Doman’s roles include Grants Coordinator, a Museum Frontline Associate, and the Radio Bristol Production Assistant.
“Being at the Birthplace of Country Music is directly aligned with my academic background and personal interests,” said Doman. “During my time as a student at GSC, I was able to be immersed in traditional music, and I intend to make it a personal goal to promote the region positively. I'm also currently part of a musical duo, Virginia West - we perform locally around the Tri-Cities region specializing in Country Western, Folk, Swing, and Americana music styles. It's fun to take traditional songs and perform them to newer audiences, and as a duo, we have begun to create our own music.”
Doman also hosts her own weekly radio program, Mountain Song and Story. There, she features music, stories, and folklore of the people who make up the rich cultural tapestry of Central Appalachia.
“Each week I research a theme relating to Appalachian culture and highlight songs and stories all about the topic,” said Doman. “The show is focused on storytelling and regional history and culture, and I also often have in-depth interviews with regional craftspeople, artisans, and musicians. I’ve done show themes on topics ranging from traditional ballad singing, folklore about different holidays, animals like bears, mockingbirds, and rabbits - I’ve even done an entire show all about gravy. I also feature a live folktale reading each week, and it is fun to research, find and, bring some old folktales alive to new audiences. Our station, Radio Bristol, has a lot of really unique programming and broadcasts to the local community of Bristol, but we also have listeners streaming worldwide.”
Doman credits the GSC Bluegrass program for providing her with opportunities that helped to shape her career. “Being in the GSC Bluegrass program was an incredible experience because I was able to take advantage of so many unique opportunities,” Doman reflects. “We were able to travel and perform at many festivals, take part in community events and gatherings, host instructional traditional music workshops, and so much more. I was able to take part in several internships in Nashville, including my first one at the International Bluegrass Music Association, another one at RFD-TV, and a post-graduate internship with Hatch Show Print, a traditional letterpress print shop inside of the Country Music Hall of Fame. Those experiences led the way to make countless contacts and friends through music and have shaped my career goals of creating a positive image of traditional music and the culture of the Appalachian region.”
“The best part about the GSC Bluegrass program was being immersed in music and having the creative freedom to tailor your career path,” said Doman. “Glenville truly is a unique place!”
Click here for more information on Mountain Song and Story and to listen to archived shows. You can also follow along with the Virginia West Band at www.virginiawestband.com.