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menuFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 8, 2009
For more information:
Bob Edwards
Public Relations Department Assistant
Glenville State College
Glenville, West Virginia
(304) 462-7361ext. 6390
Glenville, WV—Come and get in the Christmas spirit at the annual Community Christmas Program at Glenville State College. Everyone is invited to attend to the evening of singers, dancers, and caroling. This is the 10th annual Community Christmas program which was originally started in an effort to bring the college and the community together for a celebration of the Christmas season.The event is free and will take place on Saturday, December 12, 2009, at 7:00 p.m. in the GSC Fine Arts Auditorium.
For more information, contact GSC Assistant Professor of Music Teresa Dody at (304) 588-5508.