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menuFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 2, 2017
For More Information:
Glenville State College
Public Relations Department
(304) 462-4115
GLENVILLE, WV – After 10 years at the helm, Mr. Dennis Pounds will be departing today as Glenville State College’s Vice President for College Advancement and Executive Director of the GSC Foundation. Pounds had been in the position since 2007.
“I greatly appreciate the work Denny has completed over the past ten years here at Glenville State and wish him and his family well in the years ahead. He will always be a true Pioneer and his efforts in improving student scholarships and support is to be lauded,” said GSC President Dr. Tracy Pellett.
David Hutchison has been asked to assume the position of Interim Vice President for College Advancement and Executive Director of the GSC Foundation, pending a national search for a permanent replacement. Hutchison has been serving as an Assistant Vice President for College Advancement since January 2017.