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menuFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 11, 2015
For More Information:
Glenville State College
Public Relations Department
(304) 462-4115
Glenville, WV – The annual Glenville State College Career Fair is scheduled for Tuesday, March 24th from 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. in the Mollohan Campus Community Center Ballroom. The event is sponsored by GSC's Career Services Office.
The GSC Career Fair provides area business representatives with opportunities to meet many talented students who will be graduating in May and other recent college graduates who are ready to begin their careers.
“The annual career fair at Glenville State College is the perfect opportunity for recent graduates, upcoming graduates, current students, and community members to explore a variety of career fields and opportunities among the many various employers scheduled to attend the event. We are also very excited for those employers to see the quality of our students at Glenville State College,” said Career Services Counselor and event coordinator Joanna DiStefano.
“This year we are welcoming exhibitors representing educational, law enforcement, corrections, social services, environmental engineering, surveying, and non-profit groups from across our region. We’ve also expanded the presence of graduate schools,” she added.
Employers interested in having a booth at the career fair may download a registration form here. Registration and participation in the fair is free.
Employers who are unable to attend the fair but would like to post jobs on the GSC career board may contact DiStefano to do so.
For more information about the 2015 GSC Career Fair or to reserve space for businesses, government agencies, universities, non-profit entities, or other organizations, contact DiStefano at Joanna.DiStefano@glenville.edu or (304) 462-6151.