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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 22, 2023
For More Information:
Glenville State University
Public Relations & Marketing
(304) 462-4115
GLENVILLE, WV – With generous support from the Pioneer community, Glenville State University has raised over $1 million from over 800 donors during the 2023 Founders Day of Giving celebration. The fundraising event took place throughout the week of February 13, culminating on February 19 – the anniversary of Glenville State’s founding.
Donations supported 46 projects across campus, including each academic department and athletic team, scholarship funds, alumni and student projects, the Pioneer Fund, and the President’s Circle. Specific projects included Alumni Center renovations, the Pioneer Pantry, theater, education abroad, and many more.
“Once again, our Founders Day of Giving celebration showed exactly what makes Glenville State University so special. Our alumni and friends, faculty, staff, and students all came together to celebrate our great institution while helping to meet our fundraising goals. We are so grateful for everyone who made this day possible and appreciate each and every gift. I want to especially thank the Morris Family Foundation for their generous $500,000 match that was in place for Founders Day,” said Vice President of Advancement, David Hutchison.
As part of the celebration, students, faculty, and staff also came together in the Mollohan Campus Community Center on Wednesday, February 22 to commemorate the successful giving day, view historic information and artifacts on display from Glenville State’s archive, and enjoy Founders Day cupcakes.
“I join Vice President Hutchison in sending our most sincere thanks to the Pioneer Family,” said Glenville State President, Dr. Mark A. Manchin. “This was a successful week of fundraising but it was also our Founders Day celebrating 151 years! Our campus community is better because of each of our supporters…and that includes every employee, student, alumnus, business partner, parent, and friend who participated. Again, thank you all for stepping up to the challenge and ensuring the brightest future for our students and our institution.”
Donations can still be accepted for Founders Day of Giving through Friday, February 24. To contribute, visit give.glenville.edu.