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GLENVILLE, WV - Glenville State College student organization Pioneers for a Cause held their 'Color a World Without Autism' 5K run/walk on Wednesday, April 15th. Approximately 160 GSC students, faculty, staff, and community members of all ages were in attendance.
"Pioneers for a Cause was blown away by the support and encouragement of everyone who got involved - without them the success of the race wouldn't have been possible. In total, we raised nearly $2,000 for autism research! My organization decided in the beginning that since we are the only group like this in West Virginia, we wanted the proceeds to stay in the state. With that idea taken into consideration, we will be donating the money to the Autism Society of WV," said GSC student Jade Spencer who served as one of the event coordinators.
The group teamed up with GSC's Student Government Association for the color run/walk who helped cover some of the costs. Glenville Foodland and Smith Land Surveying also donated all of the bottled water for the race. "We would like to thank everyone who made donations, helped throw the color, and the law enforcement for keeping everyone safe throughout the race route. Overall, the race was a huge success and made a big impact on the GSC campus. We are already looking forward to planning another one for next year," continued Spencer.
Pioneers for a Cause invites all Glenville State College students to become involved; their meetings take place on Monday's at 7:00 p.m. in room 311A/B of the Mollohan Campus Community Center.
For more information about student organizations and activities at Glenville State College, contact Director of Student Activities Jodi Ocheltree at Jodi.Ocheltree@glenville.edu or (304) 462-6416.
Photos by GSC student Quentin Murphy