COVID-19 Dashboard
This dashboard shows data related to active COVID-19 cases and self-quarantine for the Glenville State University community.
Glenville State does not release demographic information regarding COVID-19 cases or those in self-quarantine. The University works in conjunction with the Gilmer County Health Department to conduct contact tracing of those who have potentially been exposed to the virus.
The data listed under Active Cases is the count of individuals who have recently tested positive from a PCR-based test and are in self-quarantine. If an individual continues to test positive, they are still included in those counts. The Self-Quarantine counts include individuals who are isolated because they have tested positive for COVID-19 and those who are isolating as a precaution.
Summary of Confirmed Cases
Case Type |
Students |
Faculty/Staff |
Currently Active Cases |
0 | 0 |
Summary of Self-Quarantine
Quarantine Type |
Students |
Faculty/Staff |
Individuals in Self-Quarantine |
0 | 0 |
Individuals in Isolation As of 04/26/2022 |
0 | 0 |
As always, the best defense against Coronavirus is to reduce the possibility for exposure by limiting contact with others as much as possible and being fully vaccinated. When being around others is necessary be sure to practice social distancing, properly wear a face covering, and ensure good hand hygiene.
If you or someone you know are experiencing trouble breathing, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, new confusion, inability to wake or stay awake, or bluish lips or face* – seek emergency medical care immediately. *Note, this is not a list of all possible emergency COVID-19 warning signs; contact your medical provider for any other symptoms that are severe or concerning to you.
This dashboard reflects data compiled beginning Tuesday, September 22, 2020.