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Schuyler Chapman
Dr. Schuyler J. Chapman
Associate Professor of English
Honors Program Director
Harry B. Heflin Administration Building

Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Chapman specializes in 18th- and 19th-century U.S. literature and is particularly interested in the way sea narratives shape concepts of U.S. civic and imperial practices. At Glenville, Dr. Chapman teaches the American literature courses, Women’s Literature, and first-year writing courses. As a lecturer at the University of Pittsburgh, he taught a range of courses that included Bible as Literature, Narrative and Technology, Detective Fiction, and The Western.


Proprietor, Part of the Farce 

Director, Glenville State College Honors Program

Dr. Chapman is currently finishing articles on labor and work in Little Women, the insufficiency of sousveillance in slave narratives, and William Dean Howells’s ecological criticisms of industry. An article on James Fenimore Cooper’s promotion of the sailor as an imperial American citizen is under review at ESQ.

Recent Publications

How Professional Wrestling Flung Itself into the Arena of the Opionionated Class,” Popmatters, 28 Aug. 2017.

The Year in Conferences—2014” (with Will Fenton, Sean Gerrity, Laura Schrock, et al. ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance, vol. 61, no. 1, 2015, pp. 114-211.

Imperfect Fluidity: Mutable Citizenship and the Novels of James Fenimore Cooper.James Fenimore Cooper: His Country and His Art: Papers from the 2011 Cooper Conference and Seminar, vol. 18, 2013, pp. 20-23.

Recent Presentations

“Driven to Extraction: The Rise of Silas Lapham and Extractive Industry in the 19th Century.” Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA) Convention, March 2020, Boston, MA.

“Protestant Work Epic: Labor, Loafing, and Form in Alcott’s Little Women Trilogy.” American Library Association (ALA) Conference, May 2019, Boston, MA.

“Down on the Wharf: Frederick Douglass and Maritime Radicalism.” The Society for the Study of Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States (MELUS) Conference, March 2019, Cincinnati, OH.

“The Underground: German-American Fiction, Equality, and the Midwestern Ghosts of 1848.” The Society for the Study of Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States (MELUS) Conference, March 2019, Cincinnati, OH.

“Counterpublic Loopholes: Brockden Brown, Harriet Jacobs, and the Unsettling Possibilities of Sousveillance.” C19: The Society of Nineteenth-Century Americanists Fourth Biennial Conference, Penn State University, March 2016, State College, PA.