Ph.D. in Forest Resources - Mississippi State University, Starkville; 2002
Masters in Forestry - University of the Philippines; 1998
Bachelor of Science in Forestry - University of the Philippines; 1993
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Gazal joined the Glenville State faculty in 2005. Before then, he was a postdoctoral scientist at Utah State University, University of Wyoming and University of Arizona. He teaches Forestry, Geographic Information Systems and Natural Resource Management courses. Dr. Gazal’s research includes the application of ecophysiology and geospatial techniques in ecosystem studies.
Recent Articles:
- R. Gazal, M. Burkowski & K. Gazal. 2015. Effect of climate and site factors on exotic plant invasion in West Virginia, USA. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference on Our Common Future Under Climate Change, July 7-10, Paris, France.
- Rico M. Gazal, Marilynn Burkowski, Ryan M. Thomas, Masao Takase, Kyoichiro Gyokusen & Kyoichi Otsuki. 2014. Leaf structure and physiological attributes of Ailanthus altissima in cool and warm temperate regions. In Proceedings: 19th Hardwood Forest Conference. March 10-12, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL.
- Ishwar Dhami, Kathryn G. Arano, Rico M. Gazal and Timothy A. Warner. 2011. Urban tree phenology: A comparative study between New York City and Itahaca, New York. Geocarto International. DOI:10.1080/10106049.2011.607517.
- Gazal, Rico M.; Kubiske, Mark E.; Connor, Kristina F. 2009. Leaf gas exchange of mature bottomland oak trees. Res. Pap. SRS-45. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Southern Research Station. 8 p.
- Gazal, Rico, Michael White, Robert Gillies, Eli Rodemaker, Elena Sparrow and Leslie Gordon. 2008. GLOBE students, teachers and scientists demonstrate variable differences between urban and rural leaf phenology. Global Change Biology, 14(7):1568-1580.
- Ishwar Dhami, Kathryn G. Arano, Rico M. Gazal and Timothy A. Warner. 2011. Urban tree phenology: A comparative study between New York City and Itahaca, New York. Geocarto International. DOI:10.1080/10106049.2011.607517
- Gazal, Rico M. Science On-line Learning Module: The Buffalo Creek Disaster. 2010. Earth System Science Education Alliance (ESSEA – NSF Science).
- Gazal, Rico M. Science On-line Learning Module: Shoals Hollow: Mountain Top Removal. 2010. Earth System Science Education Alliance (ESSEA – NSF Science).
- Gazal, Rico M.; Kubiske, Mark E.; Connor, Kristina F. 2009. Leaf gas exchange of mature bottomland oak trees. Res. Pap. SRS-45. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Southern Research Station. 8 p.
- Gazal, R; Ensign, T; Cartwright, T; Bardwell, G. 2009. Climate change and leaf phenology: a long term study in West Virginia. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 6: 382033. doi:10.1088/1755-1307/6/8/382033.
- Arano, K.; Gazal, R; Dhami, I.; Warner, T. 2009. Urban heat island effect advances spring growth. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 6: 382018. doi:10.1088/1755-1307/6/8/382018.
- Gazal, Rico M. Learning Modules for Geoscience Education: Leaf Phenology and Climate Change. 2009. Integrated Design for Geoscience Education.
- Gazal, R.M., Scott, R.S., Goodrich, D.A. and Williams, D.G. 2006. Controls on transpiration in a desert riparian cottonwood forest. Agriculture and Forest Meteorology. 136:56-67.
- Scott, R.L., D. Goodrich, L. Levick, R. McGuire, W. Cable, D. Williams, R. Gazal, E. Yepez, P. Ellsworth, and T. Huxman. 2006. Determining the riparian groundwater use within the San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area and the Sierra Vista Sub-Basin, Arizona. In Hydrologic Requirements of and Consumptive Ground-Water Use by Riparian Vegetation along the San Pedro River, Arizona. Leenhouts, J. M., Stromberg, J.C., and Scott, R.L., eds., U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigation Report 2005–5163, 154 p.
- Fravolini, A.,Hultine, K.R.,Brugnoli, E., Gazal, R.M., English, N., and Williams, D.G. 2005. Precipitation pulse use by an invasive woody legume: the role of soil texture and pulse size. Oecologia 144(4): 618-627.
- Gazal, R.M. and Kubiske, M.E. 2004. Influence of initial root characteristics on physiological responses of cherrybark oak and Shumard oak seedlings to field drought conditions. Forest Ecology and Management. 189: 295-305.
- Gazal, R.M., Blanche, C.B. and Carandang, W.M. 2004. Root growth potential and seedling morphological attributes of Narra (Pterocarpus indicus) transplants. Forest Ecology and Management 195: 259-266.
- Gazal, Rico M. 2004. Exploring sectoral collaboration in conserving the Mt. Makiling Forest Reserve. In: The Mt. Makiling Forest Reserve: Development Initiatives & Management Experiences. Eds: CS Torres & EM Tan. Makiling Center for Mountain Ecosystems & Mt. Makiling Reserve Area and Laguna De Bay Commission.114-128 pp. (ISBN: 013-5)
- Cleofe S. Torres, Evangeline M. Tan, Rebecca Mariano, Nicasio M. Balahadia, Rico M. Gazal & Eulalia B. Alcasid. 2004. The other actors in MFR: their visions and predisposition towards the forest reserve and implications for IEC planning. In: The Mt. Makiling Forest Reserve: Development Initiatives & Management Experiences. Eds: CS Torres & EM Tan. Makiling Center for Mountain Ecosystems & Mt. Makiling Reserve Area and Laguna De Bay Commission.147-175 pp. (ISBN: 013-5)
- Joshua Kaplan and Rico Gazal. 2015. Analysis of location and extent of exotic plant invasion in WV. 5th Pioneer Showcase, Glenville State College, Glenville, WV.
- Jesse Alborano and Rico Gazal. 2015. Effect of Precipitation on Diameter Growth of Native Tree Species in an Oak Hickory Forest. 5th Pioneer Showcase, Glenville State College, Glenville, WV.
- Jonathan Rhodes and Rico Gazal. 2015. Assessment of carbon storage among different forest succession stages in Glenville, WV. 12th Annual Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol, Charleston, WV, March 4.
- Gazal, Rico M. 2014. Application of Physiological and Geospatial Techniques in Ecological Research. STEM Research Faculty Presentation, Glenville State College, September 10.
- Gazal, Rico M. 2012. A review of physiological and spatial techniques in ecological studies. Hydrospheric Atmospheric Research Center, Nagoya University, Japan.
- Elena B Sparrow, Martha Kopplin, Rico M Gazal, Jessica H Robin, Rebecca A Boger. 2011. Communicating research through student involvement in phenological investigations. Association of Geophysical Union Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. December 5-9, 2011.
- Phenology and Land Cover Protocols. Project Based Learning: Investigating the Science of Climate. August 1-5, 2011. Glenville State College, Glenville, WV.
- Are student data from GLOBE, an international citizen science program, useful to climate change studies? Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA. August 1-6, 2010 (invite presentation).
- Linking scientists and science educators across the world through global climate change and phenology study. Urban Biodiversity and Design. Nagoya, Japan. May 18-22, 2010.
- Lecture Series on Approaches in Ecological Research from Semi-arid to Mesic Deciduous Forests, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, May to August 2009.
- Web seminar on NASA's GLOBE Program Budburst Protocol. Hosted by NASA IV&V Facility, Fairmont, WV, March 6, 2009, 4 pm.
- Understanding the impacts of Ailanthus. WV Academy of Science. April 12, 2008. Fairmont State University (Student Poster Presentation: Michael Cunningham and Andrew Thomas).
- Vegetation Phenology and GLOBE Certification. WV HSTA. September 15, 2007. Braxton High, Flatwoods, WV (invited presentation)
- Introduction to Budburst Protocol. July 22, 2007. GLOBE Teacher Workshop. Greenbank, WV (invited presentation)
- Understanding Coordinate Systems and GIS. April 13 and June 8, 2007. Department of Land Resources, Glenville State College, Glenville, WV
- Understanding the impacts of Ailanthus in WV. June 2007. Summer Institute for WV Secondary Science Teachers and Summer Research Academy for High School Students. Glenville State College, Glenville, WV
- Field identification of Ailanthus and sampling. June 2007. Summer Institute for WV Secondary Science Teachers and Summer Research Academy for High School Students. Glenville State College, Glenville, WV
- Understanding GIS and GPS. June 2007. Summer Institute for WV Secondary Science Teachers and Summer Research Academy for High School Students. Glenville State College, Glenville, WV
- Urban heat island effect and tree phenology workshop, February 17, 2007, Queens College, Flushing, NY
- Phenology and GIS, Advanced Land Cover and Phenology Workshop, June 19-23, 2006, NASA IV & V ERC, Fairmont, WV
- Teacher Training-Workshop: Land Cover Protocol/Remote Sensing, October 21-22, 2005, Glenville State College.
- Urbanization Effects on Leaf Phenology across a Multi-continent Bioclimatic Gradient. 91st ESA Annual Meeting, Organized Oral Session on "Climate Change and timing in Ecological Communities", August 6-11, 2006, Memphis, TN. (invited presentation)
- Effect of urbanization on vegetation phenology. 2006. Seminar-Presentation USDA Forest Service, Rhinelander, WI, July 26, 2006. (invited presentation)
- Data Analysis and Interpretation and Vegetation Phenology. Advanced Land Cover and Phenology Workshop, June 19-23, 2006, NASA IV & V ERC, Fairmont, WV.
- Seminar on Urban Heat Island Effect and Leaf Phenology. Sponsored by Chi Beta Phi, Glenville State College, March 14, 2006. (invited presentation)
- Teacher Training-Workshop: Landcover Protocol / Remote Sensing / WV CSOs, October 21-22, 2005 Glenville State College.
- GLOBE Urban Phenology Year Project: Preliminary Report. GLOBE Annual Conference, Prague, Czech Republic. Aug 1-6, 2005.
- Seminar/Workshop on GLOBE Urban Phenology Year. The GLOBE budburst protocol. Tokyo, Japan. October 28, 2004; Bangkok, Thailand. February 17, 2005; Nakhong Ratchasima, Thailand. February 18, 2005; Jyvaskylla, Finland. February 24, 2005; Bishkek, Kyrgystan, February 28-29, 2005; Irbid, Jordan. March 7, 2005 & Dakar, Senegal, West Africa. March 10, 2005
- Landscape Ecology Workshop: Conservation and management of fragmented forest landscape. Tsukuba, Japan. October 25-28, 2004.Oral presentation: Seasonal variation of transpiration in desert riparian cottonwood forest patches.
- ESA convocation on Ecological exploration of inhabited landscape, Portland, OR. August 1-6, 2004. Oral presentation: Controls on transpiration in a desert riparian cottonwood forest.
- Research Across Discipline Seminar Series, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY. April 16, 2004. Oral presentation: Water balance in desert cottonwood forests: from stomata to riparian management. (invited presentation)
- Philippine-American Association of Science and Engineering. New challenges in Science and engineering, Solomon's Islands, MD. August 21-24, 2002. Oral presentation: Ecophysiology of mature bottomland oak trees.
- ESA Convocation on Understanding and restoring ecosystems, Tucson, AZ. August 4-9, 2002. Poster presentation: Leaf gas exchange and water use by mature bottomland oak trees.
- Seminar on Productivity and ecophysiology of bottomland hardwood forests, Forest Sciences Lab, Rhinelander, Wisconsin, February 1, 2002. (invited presentation)
- IUFRO Canopy Process, Troutdale, Oregon, 2001. Oral presentation: Productivity and canopy physiology of bottomland hardwood forests of the Southeastern United States
- Marilynn Burkowski*, Ryan Thomas & Rico Gazal Invasive Plants in West Virginia. Kyushu University, Japan. June 21, 2011.
- Marilynn Burkowski* & Rico Gazal. 2011. Integration of GIS and geospatial analysis in the study of plant invasives in West Virginia. Annual Pioneer Showcase Creative Arts Student Research Forum. Glenville State College, Glenville, WV. April 5, 2011.
- Marilynn Burkowski* & Rico Gazal. 2011. Exotic plant invasion in West Virginia. Chi Beta Phi Mini Research Conference. Glenville State College, Glenville, WV. April 26, 2011 (Oral and Poster Presentations)
- Ryan Thomas*, Ben Coulter* & Rico Gazal. 2011. Canopy gap characteristics of an oak dominated forest in Appalachia. Chi Beta Phi Mini Research Conference. Glenville State College, Glenville, WV. April 26, 2011 (Poster Presentation)
- Marilynn Burkowski* & Rico Gazal. 2011. Integration of GIS and geospatial analysis in the study of plant invasives in West Virginia. West Virginia Academy of Science Annual Meeting. West Virginia University Institute of Technology campus in Montgomery, WV. April 2, 2011.
- Ryan Thomas*, Ben Coulter* & Rico Gazal. 2011. Canopy gap characteristics of an oak dominated forest in Appalachia. West Virginia Academy of Science Annual Meeting. West Virginia University Institute of Technology campus in Montgomery, WV. April 2, 2011.
- Poling, R* & Gazal, R. 2010. Seasonal fluctuations of leaf structure and pigments of Ailanthus and its co-occurring native species in an Appalachian forest. WV Academy of Science, Morgantown, WV. April 10, 2010.
- Poling, R.* & Gazal, R. 2010. Seasonal fluctuations of leaf structure of invasive Ailanthus and native species in an Appalachian forest. Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol, Charleston, WV. March 11, 2010.
- Gatens, B.* & Gazal, R. 2010. Roads affect the dispersion of non-native plants in an Appalachian forest. Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol, Charleston, WV. March 11, 2010.
- R. Gazal, J. De La Cruz* and M. Vavrek. 2009. Influence of roads on the dispersion of invasive plants in an Appalachian forest. Society of American Foresters National Convention, Orlando, FL. Sep. 30-Oct. 4, 2009.
- De La Cruz, Jesse*, Radcliff, Troy* and Gazal, Rico. 2009. Influence of light regime and shade tolerance on leaf structure of native species and Ailanthus. WV Academy of Science, Glenville State College, Glenville, WV, March 21, 2009. (Judged as the Best Student Presentation)
- Radcliff, Troy*; De La Cruz, Jesse*and Gazal, Rico. 2009. Leaf structure comparison among growth stages of Ailanthus. Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol, Charleston, WV. January 2009.
- De La Cruz, Jesse*, Radcliff, Troy* and Gazal, Rico. 2008. Influence of light regime and shade tolerance on leaf structure of native species and Ailanthus altissima. Chi Beta Phi 61st National Conference, October 18, 2008, Glenville State College, Glenville, WV.
- Cunningham, M*., Thomas, A*. & Gazal, R. 2008. Understanding the Impacts of Ailanthus in an Appalachian Forest. Proceedings of the West Virginia Academy of Science 83rd Annual Session, 80:1.