Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Evans returned to his alma mater in 2001 after teaching experiences at Davidson College, Grinnell College, and Ohio Northern University. His primary teaching responsibilities include general and organic chemistry. He also teaches a forensic chemistry course designed for non-science majors. He is active in coordinating STEM workshops for K-12 teachers and high school students and in coordinating undergraduate STEM research. Dr. Evans’ current research is on developing a novel synthesis for anti-Markovnikov hydrobromination of alkenes.
Dr. Kevin L. Evans earned a bachelor degree in chemistry from Glenville State College in 1987 and a doctoral degree in organic chemistry in 1993 from Louisiana State University. His college teaching career began in 1995 at Davidson College in North Carolina as a Visiting Assistant Professor of Chemistry. He was also a Visiting Assistant Professor of Chemistry at Grinnell College in Iowa and Assistant Professor of Chemistry at Ohio Northern University.
He returned to his alma mater in 2001 as Associate Professor of Chemistry. In addition to his teaching responsibilities as an Associate Professor, he served as the NASA Program Facilitator from 2007 – 2010. As the program facilitator, he coordinated science workshops for middle and high school science teachers, high school students, and coordinated undergraduate STEM research. He remains very active in coordinating workshops for both teachers and students. He was promoted to Professor of Chemistry in 2011 and served as the chairperson for the Department of Science & Mathematics from 2021-23. Dr. Evans was the recipient of the Faculty Award of Excellence in May 2023.
Dr. Evans has actively participated in both college and statewide committees and frequently held leadership positions. A few of his major committee assignments include 14 years on Faculty Senate where he was vice-president for 8 years; 10 years on Academic Policy Committee where he was chair for 2 years and vice-chair for 2 years; faculty representative on the Board of Governors from 2018-2023; and 11 years as faculty marshal with the last six serving as chief faculty marshal.
Outside of the university, Dr. Evans has served on several statewide organizations. He was President-elect, President, and immediate Past-President over a 7-year period for the West Virginia Academy of Sciences. He was a member of Northern West Virginia Section of the American Chemical Society and served two years as secretary and 6 years as a grants committee officer. He also represented Glenville State as a Board of Directors for NASA WV Space Grant Consortium for two years.
Dr. Evans has been the recipient of numerous grants in three distinct areas. He has received six college equipment grants from the Spectroscopy Society of Pittsburgh for research instrumentation. He has received nine grants from Health Sciences & Technology Academy for coordinating weeklong Forensic Science Institute for high school students. He has collaborated and been a lead instructor in six summer workshops to enhance the science content of middle school and high school teachers.
Dr. Evans was selected as the inaugural Dean of Health Sciences in June 2023. His vision is to enhance the current majors and expand the offerings in the College of Health Sciences.