Chemistry (BA) - Course Requirements

Chemistry Course Requirements

Information accurate as of the 2024 - 2025 catalog.
For previous year's catalogs, please see the undergraduate catalog page.

Num. Title Credits
GSU 100 The First Year Experience 0 hours
All degree seeking students are required to take GSU 100 during their first semester.
General Education Requirements 30 hours
Students must complete CHEM 101, and MATH 115 as part of the General Education requirements.
Chemistry Major 49 hours
BIOL 120 Principles of Biology I 4
CHEM 102 General Chemistry II 4
CHEM 293 Techniques of Chemistry 1
CHEM 301 Organic Chemistry I 4
CHEM 302 Organic Chemistry II 4
CHEM 307 (OR)
CHEM 380
Inorganic Chemistry (OR)
Biochemistry I
CHEM 321 Analytical Chemistry I 4
CHEM 493 Senior Research Seminar 2
MATH 120 Precalculus 4
MATH 256 Probability and Statistics I 3
PHYS 201 General Physics I 4
PHYS 202 General Physics II 4
Chem Electives (select from the following): 7 hours
CHEM 307 Inorganic Chemistry 4
CHEM 322 Analytical Chemistry 4
CHEM 341 Nuclear Chemistry 4
CHEM 345 Introductory Physical Chemistry 3
CHEM 380 Biochemistry I 4
CHEM 381 Biochemistry II 4
Minor (hours will vary depending on minor selection) 20 hours
General Electives (hours will vary depending on minor selection) 21 hours
Recommended courses for graduate school in chemistry:
CHEM 322 Analytical Chemistry II 4
CHEM 345 Introductory Physical Chemistry* 3
MATH 202 Calculus I 4
MATH 207 Calculus II 4
PHYS 350 Modern Physics 3
Total minimum hours for degree 120 hours

*If introductory physical chemistry is taken as one of the chemistry electives then additional hours in math courses are required as prerequisites. Introductory physical chemistry (CHEM 345) requires 4 additional hours of math (MATH 202).

Students enrolled in chemistry courses are responsible for all lost or broken glassware and equipment. At the beginning of the semester, the student will verify that all laboratory items assigned to him/her are present and in good condition. At the end of the semester, the student must return all items in the same condition. If any items were lost or broken throughout the semester, the student will receive a financial statement either during the last week of classes or during the final examination period. This financial obligation must be paid to the Cashier’s Office before the student can graduate. Students who fail to check out of the laboratory will be charged an additional fee.